Saturday, June 16, 2007

Etsy is FULL of Awesome-ness-ess :)

I came across this black and white photograph and haven't been able to get it out of my head. The beauty of the shape is so subtle yet stunning. It sells for $10 and you can get it here:

Thanks to a suggestion by juror2 of Etsy I found this by The Spiderbite Boutique! What a great way to rid your mind (or your little ones) of those slimey monsters in the closet that only come out when you are alone. You should really check this out -I can barely stand how adorable this is. Wonderful to give as a gift to a toddler -it sells for $20 and comes in different colors, snag it here:

What the world needs now, is love sweet love.... What else can I say, great hand printed card by MagicJelly of Etsy, sells for $4 and you can pick it up here:

Give me a beat! If you are in the market for a drum here ya go. It is stoneware made by infothefire of Etsy. It is one of a kind and measure 21 inches tall. SOUNDS pretty good :) It will cost you oh, $750 but you can get it here:

Quick, the in-laws are coming and you just went and cut off your hand, again... what do you do, pretend like you meant it or put on this apron. Ouch. This is by juror2 of Etsy and it will cost you $16.99 you can get it here:

So I decided to make my own -

I posted on Etsy asking if anyone knew of any good 'Indie Shopping' blogs and after a day had finally got a response, and only a couple at that, I will beit, good suggestions -however in my waiting I decided, why not make my own. Here is why. 1. The work that indie artist do is A- MAZ-ING! 2. I want us indie artistans to stay thriving and keep making incredible "things". So, I, humbly, will attempt to create a wonderful blog to showcase SMASHING indie treasures that I find all over.

These SMASHING items will be ones I find, or are shared with me by others... I will not take any money to talk about certian artists, I will just search, stumble and ramble upon things naturally and without bias or hidden agenda. With that said, I will be offering a 'sponsor' section that will be clearly labeled as such and open to all incredible indie artists that would like a good place to advertise.... but that is a few days off so I regress.

I have been spending MUCH time on Etsy lately and am floored at the amazing creativity and quality of goods there... this is where I will begin my hunt for SMASHING indie goods to share with you! I am off.. here goes nothing. To be continued....... oh and by the way PLEASE feel very, very free to copy and save my banner to spread the good word on your site ;) A million thanks.