Saturday, June 16, 2007

So I decided to make my own -

I posted on Etsy asking if anyone knew of any good 'Indie Shopping' blogs and after a day had finally got a response, and only a couple at that, I will beit, good suggestions -however in my waiting I decided, why not make my own. Here is why. 1. The work that indie artist do is A- MAZ-ING! 2. I want us indie artistans to stay thriving and keep making incredible "things". So, I, humbly, will attempt to create a wonderful blog to showcase SMASHING indie treasures that I find all over.

These SMASHING items will be ones I find, or are shared with me by others... I will not take any money to talk about certian artists, I will just search, stumble and ramble upon things naturally and without bias or hidden agenda. With that said, I will be offering a 'sponsor' section that will be clearly labeled as such and open to all incredible indie artists that would like a good place to advertise.... but that is a few days off so I regress.

I have been spending MUCH time on Etsy lately and am floored at the amazing creativity and quality of goods there... this is where I will begin my hunt for SMASHING indie goods to share with you! I am off.. here goes nothing. To be continued....... oh and by the way PLEASE feel very, very free to copy and save my banner to spread the good word on your site ;) A million thanks.

1 comment:

Amanda Conger said...

If you are looking for AMAZING indie/etsy artists, check out my "Spotlight" section on my blog. They are some of my most favorite sellers--ones who make me stop and stare at the screen. : ) I also don't accept any donations or anything like that--I just truly find these artists fascinating. : )